Local Academy Committees

All Local Academy Committees are constituted as a committee of the Trust Board in order to provide Trustees with local knowledge and understanding of each academy.  Local Academy Committees (LACs) for the year 2024-25 are constituted as follows:

  • 2 elected parents 
  • 1 elected staff
  • The headteacher
  • Co-opted governors up to 6
  • Plus any other governors appointed by the Trust Board, including Trustees, to support the LAC as necessary.

Where the Local Academy Committee is shared across two schools, the constitution is:

  • Head teachers from each school (usually 2)
  • 2 elected staff
  • 2 elected parents
  • Up to 8 co-opted governors


The Chair of Governors for each LAC is:

Ashby Fields: Caroline Campbell

Falconers Hill Infants and St James Infants: Cei Davies Linn

Hall Meadow Primary: Vasu Shan

Kettering Park Infants and Juniors:  Graham Althorpe (Interim from 11/23)

Kingsley: Kay Roberts

Little Harrowden: Avnish Thakrar

Standens Barn: Pauline Marks

The Abbey: Stuart Coe

Wollaston: Sharon Toyer

Please visit each school’s individual website for governance information for that school.  Please click the link on the ribbon at the top of this website titled ‘Our Academies’.  Alternatively, you can click on each academy name on the list of Chairs above which will take you to that academy's governance webpage.